Connecting Military Vehicle Enthusiasts in New England

Welcome to Merrimack Valley Military Vehicle Collectors, where enthusiasts gather to celebrate and share their passion for military vehicles. Join us atour upcoming events to connect with like-minded individuals and explore a world of historic treasures on wheels.

Military Vehicle Club Events

Merrimack Valley Military Vehicle Collectors hosts exciting events for vehicle enthusiasts and works with area communities who put on parades. Stay tuned for our upcoming gatherings, where you can connect with fellow collectors, showcase your military vehicles, and immerse yourself in a vibrant community dedicated to preserving history on wheels. Join us for memorable experiences filled with camaraderie and passion for military vehicles.


The MVMVC Spring Flea Market will be Sat., March 22 at the Brookline NH Event Center, Rt.
130, 10 miles west of Nashua. Vendor load-in is at 8 AM. Show ÆŸme 9:00 AM-1:00 PM.

Vendors $30 per table
Hand trucks available
Free admission (donaÆŸons accepted).
Food available on site

Contact Ed Celino at (603)494 4086 (cell)/(603)880-4293 (home)

Or mail a check made out to MVMVC to Ed Celino, 25 Upstone Drive, Nashua, NH 03063

Check out Brookline NH Event Center, Proctor Hill Rd. for venue layout and their newsletter.

Join us for exciting vehicle events!

© 2024 Merrimack Valley Military Vehicle Collectors